Using the IEBuilder ™ Toolkit
Multi-Approach Analysis Engine : use built-in pattern-based, machine-learning, and rule-based NLP technologies
Integrated Development and Exploration Environment : Discover language patterns in your data efficiently and incorporate
this knowledge in your applications.
Corpus Management : Select, sample, annotate, view, categorize, and edit large document collections
Annotation : Label and validate data in your document collections using efficient automated methods
Run-Time Environment : Convert a development system into a deployed system seamlessly and efficiently
Feedback in Development and Run-time Environments : Use feedback to improve product quality and user experience
Pre-Built English Language Processing Tools : High-quality and modifiable English language processing tools for tokenization,
sentence-boundary detection, inflectional and derivational morphology, part-of-speech analysis, phrase analysis, parsing,
gazetteers, ontologies, and spelling correction
Customizable Workflows : Construct application and language processing workflows using built-in high-level programming
language and rules-based capabilities
Use What You've Already Done : Incorporate already existing or third-party language processing tools
Roll Your Own : Prototype or make production-ready natural language processing and knowledge management tools using
IEBuilder's built-in high-level programming language and tools
Portable : Written in platform-independent Java
Standards : Uses Unicode character sets and built-in Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) technology
For more information about IEBuilder, click here.